Ad Management Services India

61% of the PPC Ad fails to produce a single conversion.

You Deserve Better

Pay-Per-Click Management Services

“At Disruptive Advertising, Your bottom line is our top priority. Unlike 90% of account managers, We optimize our clients PPC campaigns on a weekly basis.”

Extensive Keyword

Keyword Research

Hight Quality

Campaign Setup

Selecting Best

Traffic Analytics

Achieving Your
Sales Goals

Cost Lead Optimizer

About AD Management

The consumer intent, technology and landscape keeps on evolving. Search Eccentric understands the importance of having a strong brand visibility and provides result oriented Ad strategies that help your brand dominate the market.

Strategy Planning

Sales Report

We create accurate strategies to provide you with high ROI. We use dynamic bidding and keyword targeting practices to provide the most cost effective bid plans, that generate handsome returns. We keep your target audience, search algorithm and attribution in mind while managing your paid search campaigns.

  • Bid strategies
  • Testing ad copy
  • Keyword targeting
  • Depth analytics of target audience-behaviours, interests and demographic.

Understanding Metric

Understanding Matric

We help you in understanding the alterations affecting your campaigns and CPA. This will enhance your understanding the metrics of making up campaign CPS and the relation between the two.

  • Alteration of CPA
  • Alteration of campaign
  • Enhancing the understanding of metrics.

Understanding Investment

Understanding Investment

We aid you in understanding plans of different agencies regarding protecting their investment across different media and search network platforms through creating safety net.

  • Safety net for investment
  • 24/7 protection
  • Automatic early warning

Our Ad Management Services

You need constant monitoring for engaging and remaining in the mind of your intended audience. We help in managing your brand through analyzing searchmetrics, making your website conversion easy through audits and keep an eye on all your competitors activity. We offer end-to-end services. Mouse Over on the icons below for more information about our Ad Management services

  • Paid Search

    Paid Search

  • Paid Search

    Display Advertising

  • Adwords Audits

    Adwords Audits

  • E-Commerce

    E Commerce

  • Linkedin Advertising

    Linkedin Advertising

  • Adwords Suspensions

    Adwords Suspensions

  • Facebook Advertising

    Facebook Advertising

  • Retargeting


Want a Comprehensive Result Oriented Ad Campaign?