4 Do’s and Donts of Online Reputation Management

In SEO Techniques

When it comes to talking to prospects over the internet, there are some do’s and don’ts that must be followed so that you approach only the right methods. Not that these rules are written somewhere but based on the experiences shared by brands these are some things can be incurred and implemented.

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There are two cases where a brand hires an outside ORM firm or it takes on the task itself. You must be sure of this thing that ORM services aren’t cheap. In many cases, it can be seen that companies who are using these services already have a lot invested in their products and digital assets online. So when they approach an ORM firm, they may be in such an urgent need of getting rid of their existing problems resolved, that they could desperately pay thousands of dollars for methods of the ORM firm that might not even work.

Read out these Do’s and Don’ts before you jump in the ORM field:


Do Create Quality Content

Content is also a part of ORM strategies in a way when you are in a control of your Content that can probably rank on top of search results, then you are in control of how others see your brand online. If you are already posting quality content online to your sites, then try and reach out to other authority sites as well with good content.


Don’t Go Behind Spammy Backlinks

SEO experts and ORMs generally believe and tell the brands that it is the backlinks that drives the content to the top of the search results. While this is true, but the problem occurs when anyone with the legitimate website or Brand start running behind acquiring backlinks not knowing the authority of the sites or their spammy history. These kind of backlinks can get you penalized or even banned from Google search.


Do Take The Advantage Of News Or Press Releases

Huge news or press releases are always are looking for new stories, quotes from big shots of big firms or brand owners for their online sites. If you believe that your brand building story or anything that can entice the news agencies or PR firms then you should reach out to them.


Don’t Spend Money If You Can Do It For Free

Getting publications or news stories to be put on the news sites, is something many ORM firms specialize in and it’s not cheap. Clients of these ORM firms can end up paying thousands of dollars to get their story published but in fact if they would have directly approached the news site or PR firms they could have got their story published for free.


Do Monitor What People Have to Say About You

One of the best ways to protect and manage your online reputation is to actually know when, where and why people are talking about you. There are many easy to use tools like Google Alerts that lets you know what exactly people are talking about the name of your brand in search results.


Don’t Be Aggressive or Respond Negatively In Your Conversations

Knowing where and why people are talking is not enough to manage your online reputation. The way you respond to these comments whether they be negative(like complaints) or positive is what that equally matters. Being aggressive or publicly attacking the identity online of the person who made a negative comment about your company or complained, is something that you should avoid.


Do Take Advantage of Social Media

Given that there are 2 Billion people across the major social networks, it is a great way to connect to your target audience and make the most out of your conversations with them. It is a great to manage your online reputation on social media.


Don’t Outsource To Cheap ORM Agency

What may attract you is the cheap price and a fancy website of the ORM management firm, you could end up outsourcing your job to an amateur or someone sitting in a third world country and not up to speed with industry best practices.

Now that you have read our Do’s and Don’ts list, it is time to put it into effect and let us know about your experiences in the comments to this blog.

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