7 Ways Google Webmaster Can Enhance Your Website SEO

In SEO Techniques

Rank higher on the search engine search result, write good content, and drive huge traffic on the website, increase the brand reach and awareness, and do the best social media marketing possible. These are what we think are the only goals that we have to achieve as a part of our website SEO. Believe it or not, at this point majority of  webmasters go wrong 99 times out of 100. The mentioned goals are the checkpoints but the goal is to earn satisfied users through best in class user experience. This is one undebatable factor which is vital for webmaster and Google mutually. And, this is the sole reason why Google offers free Google webmaster tools for website owners.


  • The biggest mistake committed mutually by every webmaster till now was ignoring Google webmaster. Except those who’re already leveraging Google webmaster for substantial lucrative benefits.


What is Google Webmaster?

Google Webmaster or Google Webmaster Tools is the mechanism through which Google manages communication with the website admins. Google Webmaster Tools applies its varied algorithms to analyze your website and brings corrects any issues with your website in order to sustain your website. All the efforts are directed towards providing a class apart user experience which every webmaster desires for the long run.


How can Google Webmaster help?


  • HTML improvements: This section helps you with fixing the indexing problems, meta description, titles, and other such issues which damage your website’s SERP, in an easy to access process that will be helpful even if you are not equipped with the proper knowledge of HTML codings.
  • Data Markup Helper: Data markup helper allows you to tag the data fields for products, events, and other such stuff. This tool, you will find under ‘other resources’ and this is one easy way to start with the Google webmaster. The best part of this section is, it doesn’t requires any sort of HTML coding.
  • Removing URLs: Some URLs that lower your website rankings and SERP. The reason for this can be being linked by some low domain authority websites without your knowledge or your web page being linked to any unauthentic website by someone or some competitor. You can save yourself from getting trapped in the trauma by using webmaster tools to remove these links.
  • Sitemaps: Sitemap is the list of pages available on the website for the user or crawlers to access. This tool also caters the statistics for the number of pages accepted for indexing and number of issue detected by Google crawlers on your pages.
  • Content Keywords: This tool analyzes your entire website based on the services you provide, finds your competitors and suggest the best keywords that you can use to achieve higher rankings. The catchy part is, it represents the perspective of google as how they see your page.
  • Search queries: Search queries help you to identify the query of the user when they visited your website. This will help you realize the true need of your target audience and modify your page content and services accordingly.
  • Crawl errors: Google bots crawl through your web page content to investigate for any error that exist in your content and can be identified by users. They will notify the error beforehand, so you can fix it.



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