Great Tips To Reduce Web Pages Uploading Time in The Best Possible Manner

In Website Optimization

With the increasing popularity of SEO, here are some useful tricks and tips to reduce web pages uploading time in the best possible manner. Every search engine wants to offer user friendly information to satisfy their users. This can be only possible with good quality websites offering the required information to meet rising expectations of the users. Thus, it is every business website to consider the following most important points to perform well.

Web Pages Uploading Time

1. Server:

The first step of starting a website is to select the right hosting for your online business presentation. Remember that paid hosting with a suitable configuration can be of great advantage.

2. Make redirects for landing page attractive:

Many web pages redirect visitors to various URL instead of what they have searched for. Therefore, it will be helpful if you can make an attractive redirect. This can increase page load time whenever the visitor will visit the site for the next time.

3. Content

Content is king. The content should be unique and informative from the user point of view.  Quality content always helps in increasing the traffic towards the website which leads to the success of the website. Learn that content plays a vital role increasing the site visitors.

4. Redirects should be reduced:     

To specify the new location of a URL after clicking on the site, you need to redirect the browser one web address to another. Redirects activate an additional HTTP request and add latency. Therefore, it is advisable to use redirect techniques only when genuinely required.

5. Query strings from dynamic resources:

Note that you should not have a”?” in your page URL as it operates the way Ctrl+F5 do. You should use these kinds of query strings for dynamic resources not for static resources. For SEO static URL is good.     

6. Minimize your codes:

You can decrease the size of your page, network latency and faster the page load time by eliminating CDATA sections, Progressive Web Apps, HTML comments, whitespaces and other not required elements.

7. Keep away from bad requests:

You can get many waste request because of broken links that results in 404 errors. Thus, it is important to fix your broken links by paying extra attention to every individual page URL.

8. Give image dimensions:

Sometime your browser starts to render a page even before the images on the page are loaded. Giving image dimensions can assist to cover around non-replaceable factors. So, it is always suggested to specify the dimensions of the image and responsive web design that can help in reducing the page and image load time.

These are some of the ways, which if taken into consideration can speed up your website and reduce web page load time. Note that a faster website can help in improving its the overall quality and acquiring the desired results.

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