How Google panda deals with duplicate Listings

In Blogging

If you’ve spent some good time over the internet, by now your should be familiar with Google Panda and Penguin. Panda handles thin contents and duplicate contents, why Penguin, on the other hand, handles poor and bad backlinks on websites. These pair are both remarkable robotic algorithm from Google, invented to checkmate bad SEO practices.

Google Panda is remarkable in its operation and thus can do the unexpected at anytime, that is why you need to be sure that your contents are clean and free from plagiarism.

How Google panda deals with duplicate Listings


How Does Google Panda work?

More like magic to newbies or those who haven’t encountered it. Google panda works in a totally inexplicable way. For more clarification, have you searched Google console recently? Sometimes, when you search for a query like “Sugarcane sellers in Unubi” you end up realizing that Google showed you millions of search results from the 1st to its very last page to select from. Sometimes, you had selected the #3 search result on the first page only to finally realize that the results you’ve been served were not sufficient and needs to go further. This is where the idea Google Panda comes in. To monitor and optimize the results you find on search consoles, ensuring that you get the right substance, information and solution at a click of the mouse on the console. Thence, a massive filtering of irrelevant website pages.


How Panda deals with duplicate Listings

The number and rate of duplicate content, poorly written and thin contents gradually slumped within a few years now since the inception of the Panda algorithm. Even so, internet copyright infringement still poses a big challenge for both search engines and the users. Google Panda deals with it in a more pragmatic way.


Recently, sites that were all affected by Google panda algorithm were all hit hard, some even lost their whole assets and further becoming defunct. Some others made it up again to their feets.

Whereas, I have come to notice that some sites have taken a slight loss as of the exact time of the Google Panda update. You may be so much in a hurry to ask while Google Panda penalizes a site in its entirety. The answer is this, Google logically penalizes the posts or particular contents of a website where it discovered the errors, instead of the whole site in entirety.


Google Panda has a tendency to be a web page wide issue which implies that it doesn’t simply downgrade certain pages of your website in the web index results, however rather than that, Google considers the whole website to be of lower quality, so it punishes entire of the website. Sometimes Google Panda Algorithm can influence just a few areas of your site/site, for example, a news web journal or one specific sub-domain. Do you know how to recuperate from Google Panda upgrades.


Detecting Problems

Now, the big question is, how do you know into which category your website falls. Is your website and its content the “The high quality” type or perhaps the “Low quality type”. This is one straight aspect that has brought anxiety and great distress to some people. Yet, Google’s Panda algorithm keeps rolling out updates to further crystallize the whole process.


According to Techyshacky “Google have some kind of Quality Rater Surveys and Learning Set in their system, which starts on working from the day when Google Panda Algorithm starts rolling out.”


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