Simple ways to Obliterate bad backlinks

In Link Building techniques

It is crucial to have a clear understanding as to how website backlinking work, an in-depth knowledge will give you insight as to how you’ll manage your link successfully. Every business has its own share of ups and downs, poor backlinks might just be one of those challenges you need to tackle; in other to get your business website back to good health state.

Simple ways to Obliterate bad backlinks

So many times you’ll come to hear stories of people who hire bad SEO for their projects, and later realize that they have spammy backlinks on their sites. And yet, they get penalized by search algorithm updates and all. Whether you have been unfortunate in your SEO practices or, got bad harmful backlinks on your site and you are looking out for a way to get it right. This piece of article is a blockbuster. Here are some tips to successful backlinking on business websites, blogs, portals and other online portfolios.  


Being sure means being professional

In backlink building, you must not be a professional to act like one. The most important thing to consider learning and doing the right thing. Since there are several fake and software generated backlinks out there, being able to recognize and differentiate between the real and fake is necessary. And this makes you a professional. Sometimes, you may just need to stay back, relax and watch at least for a while. For example, if you notice some poor backlinks pointing to your site, the option is not for you to tackle, moreover, someone could have just done that without your approval. But do you think it should be included in your post? Which may attract a warning from either Google or Bing.

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Cut off the Links yourself

This is where a whole lot of people often get stuck. They’re anxious it is seemingly impossible to cut off the backlinks on their site by themselves. Maybe because the login details like password and email address is not within your reach (your SEO did not hand them to you), I will assist your efforts in one practical way, and that is by referring you webmasters.

Backlinks are very powerful and Purposeful, and still, it has privileges to either make or break your website. Inviting webmasters into the scene helps to soften the deal for you.


Cut off the affected pages

Practically, you may decide to do it the geek way, cut off the page affected with poor backlinks. If the pages are third level deep pages, then taking a straight action to remove the page and returning it to error 404 would be necessary. This can/may neuter the links connected with such page. But on the other way hand, confirm the status of your poor backlinks using backlink audit. If the backlinks are not too severe, then doing 301-redirect to another section or relevant page would also be a groundbreaking idea. Hence shaking bound lose the interconnected links.

Appeal to search engine penguin

This is not the last thing you can do, but at least, saves you time and money. Penguin is in charge of backlinks on websites and the web environment as far Google is concerned. If you’ve tried your possible best and later finds out that your efforts are hitting the wall; your ranking is not improving, immediately shoot up a professional reconsideration letter to Google Penguin and other search engines that have you penalized. Diligent and meticulous research can help you get better ideas as to how to curate a superlative reconsideration letter to Google.

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