Three Badass Auditing Tips to Boost Content Marketing efforts

In Content Marketing Strategy

Auditing plays a very important role towards to success of every business. Whether it is an online or offline business. Your marketing efforts, which includes the average time expended, cash investment, Profit margin as well as loss will also be unraveled at a painstaking audit.

In Content Marketing, there are no boundaries or limitations to your success. You can win as many as possible audience as you can, convert them into leads, and further to customers. But Nevertheless, your content marketing efforts may seamlessly not yield any fruitful outcome without other necessary paraphernalia. Content marketing audit is one of those tools to embrace in every content marketing  endeavor. It simply gives a comprehensive analysis of your marketing efforts, direct reports on areas that needs improvement, as well as show you areas with good performance. To achieve a boost in content marketing, here are some badass content auditing tips to guide you through…


Concentrate on Quality

Content marketing is all about content utility, expressing your intentions and actions to your audience through your write-ups. If you must succeed in content marketing, following a super effective content marketing strategy would be an admirable idea. And in doing so, you need to be more focused at the quality of the content you develop instead of the quantity. Moreover, no one wants to spend the whole day on a piece of less-informative long write-up.

Research shows that 85% high-quality contents can attract more than half of the customers that a marketer is searching for, but poorly developed contents are less liable to succeed.

Share your Success Stories

Every business has some challenges and breakthroughs and sometimes, this is meant to be expressed. Sharing your success stories on your official websites increases audience trust, hence the possibility to engage and close more business. Other ways such as your social media profile, portal accounts etc should portray a recap of your company’s achievements.


Remember “Everyone has time for a winner, no one has time for a loser”, since your contents will be focusing on the core aspects of business for which they were curated; success stories and portfolio will boost content marketing effort. Provide enlightenment to your readers while helping them to evaluate your insight into the business.

Assume yourself a client

How cool it is to imagine you were in the shoes of your audience. This nevertheless, improves your alertness and strategy, helping you to figure out what really is the need of the audience. Their wants, their intentions and above all, your client’s behavioral changes when they’re on your content.

Metrics and analytical data will surely alert you on the performance of your contents, but even so, will not tell you what areas you need to improve on. Now the best idea is to dig deeper, digging deeper will help you to know those specific areas your content fail to perform well, the customer/reader behaviour when they are on it, and again, how best you can do to affect the next post update. For example, a real person is capable enough to interpret what is wrong with a problematic piece of content. Some of those areas to monitor may include…


  • Call to action (Is it too weak to trigger a sale?)
  • User Experience (General user experience should also be brought into consideration, at all times. Factors include broken links check up, fonts of colors unsuitable for readers, bemusing navigation etc )
  • The use of stock images (Are you over using your stock images in any way or the other?).

Our content marketing services are designed to help you grow search traffic, and generate new leads for your business.

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