Top 5 Websites Powered by WordPress

In Wordpress

WordPress had begun as a basic level blogging tool that featured hosting privileges to bloggers who wanted to publish their posts online on their personal space. However today, more than 80 million websites are using WordPress, be it as a simple publishing tool or as developing tool for their web sites!
Wordpress is simple, flexible and highly customizable with a wide array of tools which makes it a number one contender for business use. With dynamic features it was inevitable that soon businesses would realize its potential and use WordPress for all sorts of purpose instead of just blog posting. WordPress has now been used by industries biggest brands to develop rich and vibrant user experience via their websites.
Here is a compilation of the top 5 sites that have been developed on WordPress platform.


The first contender on the list is The National Aeronautics and Space Administration who have their simplistic yet powerful website powered by WordPress. For what it lacks in visuals, it makes up for it in its immense data storage capacities. It has been acting as a database containing over 3 petabytes of data since 2005.



2. Harvard University

Harvard University has a few sites that are quite unique in their own way despite being built on the same platform of WordPress. The Harvard Rugby Football Club website delivers all information and stays up to date relating to the sport section that it is in the niche of and hosts all information about the progress of the Football Club.
Whereas, The Neiman Journalism Lab website is more analytical in nature and provides updates in the world of journalism and news updates. This kind of variety over the same developing platform surely gives room to the immense amount of flexibility of WordPress.



3. Vogue

One of the pioneers of fashion vista, Vogue generates a huge amount of traffic every month on their glamorous website powered on WordPress development. Although in totality, the website may look simple but the way it has been created and structured is very creative and attracts visitors. It is one of the top brands that believes in the foundation as well as flexibility of the platform.



4. Forbes

Forbes has been publishing and hosting blogs for quite some time now and hosting so much of data needs a strong back-end as well as a capable front end platform. Forbes has managed to handle the massive inflow of content, maintaining the relevancy and live links on their various blog sites.



5. LinkedIn

Other than hosting their website on WordPress, LinkedIn takes it to another level by having their official blog dedicated to WordPress news and updates. LinkedIn emphasizes its focus on the presentation and articles that it hosts.
Speaking of design, LinkedIn maintained uniformity of its colors that they used on their homepage thereby adding a continuous visual theme and flow to the entire site. LinkedIn generates heavy traffic everyday and their website is yet to give up.




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