Why local SEO is bigger than overall SEO

In SEO Features

Search engine optimization has an unbeatable dynamics, thanks to the ever-growing need of websites to rank higher on search engine pages. With more businesses identifying the doors of possibilities that digital (no more virtual ) world can open for them, companies want to leverage all opportunities.

You will want to attain an impressive online presence so as to catapult their revenue figures in short time. True as gold, when the US witnesses 12 billion online searches every month, websites can no longer rely on the “once-done” efforts. Instead, propelling their consistent efforts through local SEO techniques is the ideal way every ambitious firm has to adapt itself to make a difference.

Because our species has evolved to an extent where every one amongst three human beings are expected to have access to smartphones, the sky is full of unseen advantages. The funda is crystal-clear: to construct an online image that recurs in the minds of your audience and aid in a positive way when they make their purchasing decisions.

Higher the website in SERPs, greater the inflow of visitors to your site, thus you get a much bigger population to convert and drive your sales. While the national (and global) SEO techniques have broader interests due to a larger targeted audience group, local SEO practices are focused on the relatively smaller population. It makes their work more customer-oriented and specific to user’s preference and lifestyles.

Why is Local SEO the crucial factor

With an effective Local SEO strategy, you can expect to get more individualized outcomes because of which you will be able to drive quality traffic to your landing pages. Already, millions of websites have overcrowded the world wide web, and if your business wants to thrive on such an airtight competition, the Local SEO will give you a strategically beneficial edge over your rivals. With people having easy access to the internet and mobile devices, the search is now more concentrated on “near me”, “closest” etc. It explains why there has been a massive growth in Google search interest since 2011.

Google Trends screenshot graphics

Despite your countless formulae on SEO and link-building campaigns, if your website does not appeal to your local audience then you might need to question your actionable before it is too late. You will want to know the reasons why your business is not able to achieve the strongest impact in terms of local search visibility.

  • Get Google acknowledge your presence

Based on some guidelines that Google provides about how local companies should approach towards appearing in the local search results, you can update your account information on Google+, Google Maps pages. A similar strategy should be implemented for other search engines like Yahoo and Bing.

  • Publish locally-relevant content

Especially when you have your offices at different places, you should aim at providing the location-specific content that addresses the specific pain points of the targeted audience. Or better still, you can have different sections where you will like to include contents like.

  • local news,
  • customer reviews or testimonials,
  • gallery (a few videos about the city, who doesn’t like that? )
  • case studies and a lot more.
  • Improve your website

Get your website to the level where you can provide your visitors the best experience. If you have multiple operating points, get optimized landing pages for each office. Mention the important details like product info, contact details, etc. clearly and make sure they are up to date.

To gain a larger audience, you can consider getting a mobile-friendly site as well. A study by Google/Nielsen reveals that 93% of users make a purchase when they use their mobile phone to search the website/product.

Your audience should know your whereabouts, and your website is the best place to broadcast your information. It helps in getting local visibility because you are focusing on your immediate customers and providing them with a smart way to buy from you.

Getting a Local SEO is the most cost-effective solution that you can implement to get the maximum return on investment. Do your research and get on the toes now to enter the market with this profitable strategy.

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