5 Most Useful Google Analytics Reports Anybody Can Create

In Analytics Corner

Google Analytics remains the most popular tool to track and monitor your web presence, and has become the cornerstone on which modern marketing campaigns are managed and analyzed. Data analysis and data reporting are the two major functions of Google Analytics that give all the deep insights about traffic, user behavior, conversion rates, etc. of a website. This week in the Google Analytics corner of Search Eccentric, we will discuss 5 useful analytics reports for beginners.



Last month we covered how to set up Universal Analytics in your Analytics account. This time we will see how to make the most of 5 simple Google Analytics reports. Let’s begin.

#!1 Visitors per day

Routine analytics users abide by this report that gives total number of visitors coming to a website, besides their location from where they were accessing the website.

Its one of the simplest Google Analytics reports to start playing with. You can analyze this report from ALL TRAFFIC.

Go to Acquisition > ALL TRAFFIC

It is that simple, and you can get all the information about your website’s Sessions, % New Sessions, New Users, Bounce Rate, Pages / Session, Avg. Session Duration, and others.

1. All Traffic


#2 Most popular pages of your website

To see which are the most popular pages of your website select All Pages from Site Content.

Go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages

2. All Pages

There are number of other useful metrics that you can check out about your website’s user behavior and content quality. Analyze Pageviews, Unique Pageviews, Avg. Time on Page, Entrances, Bounce Rate and %Exit.

#3 Pages that greet your visitors the most (Landing Pages)

Landing pages give a clear about the pages on your website that are attracting the most attention of your audience. Hence, this report is of great use when we audit a site for its pros and cons.

The landing pages report will tell you which pages greet your inbound traffic (visitors) the most, which can be further clubbed with keywords from secondary dimension for more advanced insights.

Go to Behavior > Site Content > Landing Pages

3. Landing Pages

The landing pages report also provides Acquisition and Behavior information about your website, including Sessions, % New Sessions, New Users, Bounce Rate, Pages / Session and Avg. Session Duration.


#4 User Behavior – Things they do when they browse your website?

This happens to be one of my favorite Google Analytics reports of all, and its called Google In-Page Analytics that tells you what people click on a website when they visit it. This behavior highlights the areas / links of your website that are creating user interest and compelling them to click and convert.

Go to Behavior > Site Content > All Pages > In-Page

4. In-Page


#5 Real-time Visitors

The real-time visitor report is very useful at time when you are monitoring your website’s changes and the affect on user behavior and inbound traffic. You can find this report by selecting Real-Time > Overview.

5. Real-time

This wraps up this week’s Google Analytics Corner on Search Eccentric. Next time, we will have more valuable insights and many more reports about data analysis and data reporting using Google Analytics.

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