Content is king of SEO- How to do research, Write and Promote the content for SEO

In Content Writing

Content is king of SEO

When we are talking about the SEO or SERP then most of the times we are using our time for content writing. Because of content writing is not only for Google consideration it also influences to users to go for next step or deep study in content. Google is considering a website as SEO point of view and searching the format of the content, finding updated content, non-duplicated content and fresh content. Simply writing tips can’t help your users or the search engines that’s why

Some importance tips required when you are going to write the content for SEO and Branding purpose

1-Title, Heading and tips based content- One of the most important point in your content is the “Title”, thishelps attract more users. You must have noticed that while reading newspapers you are drawn to interesting headings also while searching for information on the internet through the browsers   you usually click on the website that offer unique but appropriate “titles”.  So you see how a headings and titles can work for your content. Some incredibly successful list-based pieces have come from a topic that in any other form would have been uninteresting. The key is not to find the right subject, but the most interesting way to look at the subject. Here are some major points of which you need to take care;

  • Keep the heading or Title Interesting
  • Make it Short
  • Be Accurate and Character Limit
  • Reflect the product or service
  • Be real and Truthful

2-Header and Footer of content –The header of the content is promoting the reader to continue the post or content. The first paragraph of the content should be short and if required then we can use subheading and sub subheading. This will make readers go for the next paragraph and sometimes, the first section after the lead is a broad summary of the topic, and is called “Overview”.

Footer of the content should always be “tips based content” and the end should focus in targeting the sales and promotion. At times you may also generate conversations and discussions through such content.

3-Promotion of the content –

The writing is a critical part of search engine optimization but promotion of the content in the market and amongst the targeted visitors is also important. But before doing this you need to identify some of the most essential tips which are given below. The key to successful content promotion involves starting relationships with your audience and your users, you don’t go begging for links or link exchange. Over time, you will find yourself as part of a relevant and good network within your niche and content promotion becomes a whole lot easier.

  1. Visitors Loyalty
  2. Targeted market
  3. Link Networking
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