What 2015 holds for internet marketing: The Future of SEO

In Digital Marketing Basics

With the ever changing scope and span of internet marketing, SEO has rather seen some dramatic, even drastic changes in the recent past years. What holds for 2015 and the years beyond, is kind of both interesting and exciting.

The best experts can do, is guess. If you are an SEO executive or an SEO service providing company, the best you can do is acquire the ability to adapt to the changes at short notice.

 The Future of SEO

Even if the unknown cannot be predicted, some benchmarks can still be narrowed down so as a framework can be developed to plan SEO strategy for 2015.

Given below are such points that will help you to strategize and provide a base to predict the future of SEO in 2015.

  • Google, being the Holy Grail of internet, is affecting and will continue to affect the domain of SEO as never before.
  • Google will use more signals to ascertain ranking. The more it will use the signals the harder it will get for SEOs to understand them and the way they interact. Be ready to work-harder and dig deeper at short notice if you want to gain the top-spot in competition.
  • Google is investing in voice search as it will be the most rapid and sought out search form in the years to come. Strategizing in sync with semantics will benefit you considerably.
  • Google’s webspam initiative will most certainly affect all the searches. It will be better to avoid and eschew risky links and to keep an open eye for such threats.
  • Google will have the spam and low quality websites shut down and will win the contest of Negative SEO.
  • Google’s updates like Panda and Penguin will continue to appear more frequently and on larger scale. If your websites do not hold true to the standards of updates, they will be penalized.
  • Gaining Google’s authorship and becoming a source of information that Google relies on, will certainly help your web content gain rank and readership.
  • Google will enhance the paid search elements and will experiment more on the verticals in the coming years.
  • Where pure content based strategy will be harder to market, websites with richer content will certainly have the upper hand. To promote this, the SEOs will have to employ more creative means to make their contents reach a wider audience.
  • The mobile devices will lay the ground of the future SEO competition. The voice search and short & exact query search will hold prominence in the year 2015 and beyond.
  • Responsive design will hold the cards in future SEO domain. The websites with appealing, swift, smooth, engaging and informative UI on all the hand-held devices, will have better ranking.
  • Deep understanding behind the intent of online users will provide significant benefit in gaining the SERPs.

‘Acquire the ability to adapt to the changes at short notice’

With the rules changed, the SEO game continues to evolve in the form and the players will have to adapt to the scenario that has unfolded into a higher degree of competition. The points I have compiled are surely not be addressed and executed at one go, but consistently working towards them would eventually help you to convert them nicely. Growth is important, and it is up to us how we want to grow and emerge as winners!

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