Write quality and informative content for your website SEO friendly

In Content Writing

Today Scenario, Content is very important part of your site as per search engine and also user point of view.  Basically there are three main points that you should take care off before going to place the content at your site.


Content Strategy

  1. Content should not be duplicated
  2. Content should be informative and attractive for user and search engine
  3.  Content should be unique, rich and meaningful

After the recent update by Google the Unique, quality and rich content always plays an important role at your site, if you want to rank your site in the search engine. There are lots of opinions related to the content from lots of experts. Some experts says that if you are writing the content for your site then you should not write the content only for search engine.  As far as I concerned that if you are writing the content only for getting high rank in search engine than it’s wrong. If your site content is informative, unique and following the search engine guidelines then there will be no problem for using your keywords with keyword research and analysis in your content.

You should present your content in a way that attract your users and also search engine. As we all know very well that Google is very strict about content so before going to place the content at your site or article for your site, your content should be follow SEO guidelines for making your website user or SEO friendly.

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