Five Reasons Why Your SEO Traffic is Not Converting Into Revenue

In Digital Marketing Basics

When it comes to getting ahead in the business world, having a strong online presence is considered by many, to be absolutely essential. Not even the strongest SEO campaigns can always guarantee to lead to increased revenue. Sure, SEO campaigns may bring your site a great deal of traffic, but even then, there is no certainty that this traffic will convert into revenue. Here’s a look at five reasons why brands fail to convert SEO traffic into revenue.

A lack of a call to action

Call to action is crucial

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One of the main reasons why brands often fail to convert SEO traffic into revenue is often simply down to the lack of a definite call to action on their website. Each page could be incredibly user-friendly, fully optimized for all platforms, and extremely professional looking. Yet if the site is missing a call to action, this, in turn, will quite often be a barrier in converting the incoming traffic into quality leads.

Calls to action are incredibly important as they help website visitors towards the next steps to purchasing products/services from the site.  They can range from anything to newsletter subscriptions and new account creations, or simply prompts to purchase products/services online. Even a small headline or piece of text could do the trick perfectly. As an example, something like: “If you like what you’ve seen, don’t forget to browse our store and see what else we have to offer”.


Boring content

boredWhen it comes to generating sales via your site, you need to ensure that your audience is captivated and kept entertained throughout their browsing sessions. Their attention needs to be on your site and what you have to offer, and if they’re bored or get uninterested, obviously they are far less likely to close down your site, and look somewhere else instead. Take the time to research your market and target audience to understand what they like and don’t tend to like. Don’t be afraid to check out your competitors and see what they’re doing. At times, you may find something valuable that your competitors are doing, and perhaps you can do better in that to get more benefits than them.


Poor headlines

Poor headlines loses the control

A headline is designed to grab the reader’s attention and draw them in to make them want to stick around and find out more. It will be the first thing that visitors to your site will see and will help determine whether they want to read more and hopefully purchase from you. If your headline is not able to clearly state exactly what your business has to offer visitors to the site, the majority of your SEO efforts will have been for nothing.

Targeting the wrong audience

Why target the wrong audience?

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This can be a very costly mistake for businesses, big and small. And despite that,  it is also one of the most common mistakes in the process. The site could very well have amazing content, eye-grabbing headlines, clear calls to action, and much more besides, but the simple fact remains that if the wrong audience has been targeted, again, your SEO efforts will prove futile.

Although it’s a great deal more complex than this, put simply, if you sell vegetarian products, you wouldn’t want to be targeting meat-eaters, would you? Not at all.Your target audience would be made up primarily of vegetarians.


Poor pricing

Poor pricing and your ROI is RuIned

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Finally, the last, and arguably one of the most important reasons why SEO traffic is often failed to be converted into revenue is simply down to bad pricing. You could offer the best products and services on the market, but if your pricing sucks, potential customers are going to look elsewhere. Before making a purchase, it is the price that your potential customers will look at, making it one of the most important deciding factors as to whether or not they plan on making a purchase.

It can be tempting to try to be greedy to maximize profits, but if you offer a product that is available much cheaper via your competitors, where do you think people are going to purchase from?

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