Have You Been Affected By The Panda Update #25?

In Google Panda update

Is there Any Effect of Google Panda #25 on your website? You must be wondering. Well there are a few things, which certainly took place during the refresh.



If your website is relatively new, you must have lost rank. Google has done this to prefer the hard work and credibility of the older websites, compared to newer sites.

As you expect, the news for the older websites is good. Most of them have regained ranks, especially if they had primarily lost it to the newcomers.


There is a theory floating around, it’s not only the age of the site but also the age of the backlinks of the site which were considered important by Google. As older sites obviously have old links, they gained the ranking. This theory certainly has some steam and might be true as well.


The bigger, the better is the mantra for the contents presently. Google has once more stressed the fact by pushing down the websites with smaller content and bringing up the sites offering longer, meaningful, deeper and info-packed contents.

Directories provided the SEO industries with confusion. The big names of directories, like Yahoo or Yelp, lost initial good ranking after the update. Question is why would they even get an initial good ranking if Google has stopped valuing any directory, supposedly. Anyone having any suitable theory to explain this phenomenon is welcome in the comment section,


Long tail keywords, which we believe results in higher conversion rate, are dominated by the brands once more. Earlier the brands won the smaller direct keywords while the niche and smaller sites won the long tail keyword round. The trend is certainly changing now as we can see the brands surging ahead with long tail keywords as well, especially after the update.


If you have observed any of the above mentioned things, probably it is the Google panda update number which came on March the 15th 2013.


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