Using Social Media Tips for SEO

In Social Media

With the advent of the Internet taking proper SEO services is quite important to attain success in the field of online marketing. Taking good SEO services will help you in getting good rankings on various search engines and it will result in the increase in traffic towards your website. This will lead to the growth of your business. Nowadays a large number of companies are using Social Media Optimization (SMO) which is considered as a very effective SEO tool. SMO is  basically consists of a set of methods for generating traffic on any website through social networking websites, business networking websites, online communities and blogs (macro blogging as well as micro blogging).

Social Media Tips

Below mentioned are some of the tips that are useful to gain success in the field of SEO:


Video Uploading Sites: Video portals are considered as a very good source for free links. Each and every video which is being uploaded usually permits a direct backlink to your site within the video’s description. Typically these links cannot take account of your anchor text, but they are valued backlinks from large, trusted websites. So, you should post several videos across all of the largest video sites (YouTube, Viddler, Vimeo, Revver, etc.) for maximum exposure. It is a much used SEO technique and a large number of companies are using this technique and availing its benefits. If you are also looking to gain success in this field then start uploading a large number of videos on various video sharing sites and you will get rich benefits for sure.

Twitter: Twitter is fast gaining reputation as a very effective tool to publicize links of your business organization. It is a growing Social Media Optimization (SMO) technique and many companies are using this method and availing its advantages. Usually a Twitter profile gives a free backlink from the “website” area of your description. These links are indexed by the search engines and can make an impact. Just like the video descriptions, they can’t be comprised of anchor text, but they are a direct backlink from a valued source. Using Twitter will help you a lot for sure to gain success in the field of online marketing. A large number of people use Twitter nowadays and because of it also there is a maximum chance of your success in this arena. One of the most useful tips for ranking high for your personal or brand name is to carefully craft your Twitter profile name. Not the username, but the name associated with the profile that gets displayed as the page title. Use it and you won’t regret it for sure.

Forum Signatures:  It is one of the most favored ways to acquire Backlinks from social media.  All you need to do is to simply register for an account on every single forum that is appropriate for your site’s topic. After that you are required to write a short description of your site and then add one or two backlinks using these keywords. Now, for the each and every post that you create on the forum, you will get one free backlink. This particular method alone can be very useful to get good rankings and attaining success in your SEO procedure.

Social Networking Sites: One of the most important thing you shall do to get success is to create profiles on the various social networking sites like LinkedIn, MySpace, Facebook etc. even if you don’t use your accounts frequently. Then you are required to add your backlink to your profile. The goal of this article was to offer some ideas that show how simple it can be to generate free backlinks from social media portals Also, with the rising popularity of Facebook, using your Facebook Fan Page to increase your business exposure and revenue is simpler than you’ve been told. Remember to have a right name for your profiles on these social networking sites.

Sharing for More Than Backlinks: Sharing your content is perhaps the most important yet the most underutilized SEO techniques. A large number of website owners believe that there is not any direct SEO advantage of sharing links on Facebook, Twitter etc.  The reason behind their thinking is that the links are shortened, redirected, and tagged no-follow. What they are not able to realize is that SEO is no longer all about the backlinks. Search engines now monitor social media activity and many a times  reward unique and valuable shares. It is also being confirmed that no-follow links do render some value. Make sure to have the latest sharing button embed codes and make use of them to spread your content. It will be quite beneficial for you in the long run.

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