5 tips to help you get started on Mobile Marketing

In Mobile Search Engine Optimization

Mobile Marketing

Source: www. Marketguidepro.com

Here are five tips to help you on your way

1: Setting up your mobile website

There are three ways to go about this:

One option is to use an automated system, which takes already existing website content and auto-formats it for a mobile screen. Companies like WordPress, and GoDaddy are examples of companies which provide this service.

The second option is to use one of the many plug-and-play platforms offered online. Companies like Onswipe.com, GetGoMobi.com and MobiCanvas.com create separate mobile websites which are independent from your regular website.

The third option is to add a simple line of code onto your existing home page that can figure out the screen size of the device from which a person is visiting your site. If the pixel count is less than 600, the user is operating from a mobile device. This code redirects users coming from a Smartphone device to pages especially designed for such screens .This is the most user friendly approach.

2: Claiming your business on location-based platforms

You should claim your business on location-based platforms like Foursquare, Gowalla and Facebook, Google Places, which helps you reach out to location based services, especially if your business has a physical presence. Once you’ve claimed your business, you can start using location-based platforms to run your mobile promotions.

3: Completely understanding the ins and outs of mobile marketing yourself

There is no better way to thoroughly understand mobile marketing and its features than if you use it yourself. Understand the working of your smartphone, and use it to buy products, and even exchange profiles on LinkedIn by ‘bumping’ phones with a friend!!

4: Running a variety of mobile ad campaigns

If your company has an actual physical presence, you can run a mobile ad campaign, which boosts the visibility of your company. Mobile ad campaigns can be bought on a cost-per-thousand basis, a cost-per-click basis, or a cost-per-acquisition basis. Popular mobile advertising platforms like Millennial Media, iAd from Apple or AdMob from Google help you use the services.

5: Scanning Quick Response codes

QR Codes are a kind of matrix barcodes, designed to be read by smartphones. They help bring your online business to mobile users in real time. They can direct a user to mobile web pages that offer discount coupons, special offers or any other additional content.

These points above should help you get your mobile business website generating leads, so go out implement this to check some of the results.

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